The Ultimate Guide to Launching Your Digital Course with Facebook Ads in 2021
If you’re reading this post there’s a good chance that you’re looking to launch a digital course in the near future, and you’ve heard that Facebook Ads could really amplify your results.
I like to use the word amplify because I think it’s important to start by saying that Facebook Ads will not sell a broken offer. If you’ve never launched your course before, don’t spend more on Facebook Ads than you’re willing to lose collecting data.
This ultimate guide will walk you through understanding exactly what it takes to get results with Facebook Ads for your digital course launch.
HSH 145: Let's Disrupt the Industry With Bobby Klinck
On this episode, we are talking about disrupting the online education industry with a good friend of mine, Bobby Klinck. If you want to change the way you do business for the better, this episode is for you so stay tuned.
Bobby and I are really trying to make waves in the industry. There is a massive shift going on in the industry in the way people price, make offers, sell offers, and deliver offers. We talk more about the shifts we are noticing in this episode.
HSH 144: Lessons Learned from 1,000+ Low Ticket Sales
Join me as I I take you behind the scenes of the lessons he's learned from selling over 1,000 products priced at $37 or less - and what you can do if you want to replicate these results!
HSH 143: Your Business on Google Ads with Michael Alaniz
I am really excited about this week’s episode. This is something I have been teasing about for a while and that is Google Ads. I am not a Google Ads Ninja which is why I am really excited to introduce you to Michael Alaniz. He knows everything there is to know about Google Ads. He has crushed it behind the scenes for local businesses, service providers, and course creators. If you can use Google to generate revenue, Michael knows how to do it. He shares many high-level strategies for utilizing Google Ads.
HSH 142 - Creating Content That Converts
In this episode, I am talking about how to create content that converts to leads, sales, and lifetime customers. If you are looking to create better and more consistent content or just need to know what content to create then this episode is for you.
HSH 141: What Does iOS 14 Mean For You & Your Facebook Ads
With iOS 14 coming out, and the talks of how internet data privacy is going to change, what does it mean for you and your Facebook Ads? Listen in as Zach breaks down what this means for you and your business in under 20 minutes.