HSH 142 - Creating Content That Converts


In this episode, I am talking about how to create content that converts to leads, sales, and lifetime customers.  If you are looking to create better and more consistent content or just need to know what content to create then this episode is for you.                                                

I am stoked for this week’s episode because one of the questions I get most frequently is what content do I create and how do I create that content.  I wanted to do an episode where I talk about how to create content that ultimately converts.  We are going to get into what do I mean by converts, how does content convert, and how do we create really good content. 

This week I’m hosting a three-hour workshop on how to launch your digital course with Facebook ads. If you want to join me you can check it out here.

Show Notes:

  • [01:15] Zach is hosting a three-hour workshop on how to launch your digital course with Facebook ads.  Check it out here.

  • [02:18] Content that converts does one of three things: grows or scales your audience, grows or builds your email list, or sells a product or service.  

  • [02:32] Content that converts is converting people from your content on to your email list, ecosystem, or having them become a paying customer.  It recommends planning out content for the next 4-8 weeks at one time. 

  • [03:23] Your content should serve the vision of your business for the year or the quarter depending on how you plan.  

  • [04:26] What could I talk about for four weeks that would lead to my launch or digital course? He wants to make sure every piece of content he creates solves a problem. 

  • [06:06] Before you start throwing content out there you want to do research on your audience.  There are many ways to research your audience. 

  • [06:31] The most important thing is am I solving a problem or serving a psychographic need of my audience with every piece of content.   

  • [08:00] Every time you create a piece of content the goal is how does it serve the big vision of your business and the big vision of where I want people to be in my business. 

  • [09:49] Does this actively grow your business?

  • [10:25] You should have one piece of content a week that you own.  Then use social media to feed that content. 

  • [12:41] Go with the type of content that resonates with you and that you feel you can be consistent with. Be epic with your content. Give where others hold back. 

  • [13:39] Develop epic resources to accompany your content.  

  • [15:20] When you develop content you want it to be so good that it gets people talking, sharing, commenting, and buying.  

  • [16:27] Don’t just rely on giving epic content to sell your stuff. 

  • [17:09] Grow your audience with quality content that shows them how they can use additional things like my tools to get results. 

  • [17:42] All the content that I develop is strategically created to fuel what I am doing in the business and revenue generation.  It is all designed specifically to move people into a frame of mind and an action to be ready to buy and move into my business.  

  • [18:44] Preplan your content, solve problems, and be epic with the content you create.  Create epic resources to support your content.  

  • [19:16] Content should create raving lifelong fans and customers that are excited about everything you create. 

  • [19:42] When you create content that is epic and serves people are excited to pay and connect. 

  • [20:42] Your free content should bet out other peoples’ paid content.  It should be so good that people feel good just being around you and in your atmosphere. 

  • [21:01] Once you create content, you need to amplify it consistently and regularly.  Leverage your content over and over again.  

  • [22:25] Promote for pay.  Spend a few dollars just promoting your blog or podcast to your warm audience so that people like, comment, and share and you can reach new people. Every piece of content is about growing your business. 

  • [22:43] Leverage your network to have people share your content to reach new people. 

  • [23:22] Create a consistent schedule.  Consistency on social media, podcast, or blog creates authority.  

  • [25:34] We are more likely to create more content when we are getting positive feedback.  

Links Mentioned on the Show From Zach:


HSH 143: Your Business on Google Ads with Michael Alaniz


HSH 141: What Does iOS 14 Mean For You & Your Facebook Ads