HSH S2E1 - The Heart, Soul & Hustle Podcast is BACK!

After nearly 12 months of silence, we're back with a brand new season of The Heart, Soul & Hustle Podcast. Go behind the scenes of our business, see what we've been up to, and learn what to expect in this new season of the show. From Facebook Ads, to Listbuilding, to Launching - we've got you covered.

If You Like This Behind the Scenes Conversation Snap a Screenshot of this Episode, Post It In Your Instagram Stories & Tag Me (@heartsoulhustle)!

Here’s a quick rundown of what’s covered on this episode:

[00:46] When was our most recent episode was released, and what to expect on this episode and future episodes

[01:15] Where have you been? Why have you been quiet on social media and with the podcast?

[03:00] How much money I’ve spent on Facebook Ads in the last 5 years, and why that matters to the future of the show.

[04:10] Why you should be dabbling in paid media with your brand.

[05:03] What I’ve been up to in my personal life (and where I’m living now).

[7:00] What I learned from putting over a dozen offers on houses, and from running my business for 5 years.

[10:00] The power of having more PHYSICAL space and how it connected to my most profitable year to date.

[11:05] What is driving us to return to online courses and digital offers?

[13:10] How and why we took our email list from 20,000+ to under 5,000

[17:30] What I’ve been doing with my team, and why they are amazing!

[19:10] What training my team member taught me about the power of my online courses and processes!

[20:10] Why this is a quick and dirty episode, not polished, and released before it’s perfect!

[20:50] What to expect from the podcast going forward.

[22:00] What’s on the horizon in terms of new content, training, freebies, etc?

[22:30] Sneak peek of what’s coming soon from Heart, Soul & Hustle in terms of paid training (and how to get on the waitlist)

[24:30] The easiest way to get updated on the new podcasts info.



The New Program Waitlist


HSH 136: Lessons Learned From Over $500,000 In Ad Spend


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