HSH 140: The 90 Day Launch Gameplan for 2021 and Beyond

In this episode, I am talking about the 90 day launch plan. I am going to walk you through week by week by how I would launch in the next 90 days and how you can too. 

I am stoked for this week’s episode because I am going to be walking you through how I plan out my launches and structure my 90 day plan so that I am able to get products out there without just rushing to market with having lackluster launches while getting really incredible results for myself and my clients. 

The doors to my new signature program Launch It is officially open.  Get more information here. This program puts the 90 launch plan into play with action, support, and accountability.  

Show Notes:

  • [01:57] When looking at launches it helps to look at the next 90 days. We are going to look at the launch plan one week at a time. 

  • [02:18] The first week of the 90 launch plan is actually for planning the next 90 days.  There are a lot of moving pieces that go into a launch so he recommends putting key dates on the calendar.  

  • [03:31] In week two, he builds his pre-launch content plan.  This prevents surprises and allows you to prime your audience.  

  • [04:44] You want to position your free content to sell your paid content.

  • [05:31] Zach shares questions you can ask yourself to decide your pre-launch content. 

  • [05:58] In week three you start creating the content and priming your audience organically. The goal is to create really good free content.  

  • [07:16] Your goal should be to validate your freebies and your content to get 50-100 people on your email list.  

  • [07:29] In the fourth week you continue to release content and then amplify it with Facebook Ads to create an ecosystem of engagement.

  • [08:59] You don’t need to spend a ton of money on Facebook Ads to really start getting results but you do need to amplify it to cold audiences.  

  • [10:19] By week five, we are starting to get feedback from our audience because we amplified the content. So this is the week to develop your offer and sales page. 

  • [10:49] If you build your sales page first, it forces you to get clarity on what you are offering.  It also forces you to address the problems your audience is having, to write your story, to develop your content, collect your testimonials, get everything together, get super clear on what you’re selling, answer questions, and get clear on the promise of your course. 

  • [11:35] He is an advocate of selling it before you make it and either dripping content into a portal or doing it boot camp style.

  • [11:52] In week six you will write your sales email sequence. Every day you have your cart open you should have 1-2 emails go out. 

  • [13:02] In week seven you write every Facebook ad, copy, and creative content for your launch.  That is going to include ads for lead generation, engagement, and sales. 

  • [14:49] In week eight you want to develop your launch content for your webinar or challenge.  Develop everything for the launch in advance.  

  • [16:31] In week nine you start running ads for lead generation to your webinar or challenge. Calculate your launch goals, determine your Facebook Ads budget, and start running ads to drive people into your webinar or challenge in week nine. 

  • [17:10] Week ten is launch week part one. In week ten you are still running ads, but now you are optimizing them. You also want to make sure your reminder emails are going out. 

  • [17:57] Monitor that you have your ads running and engage the people that are coming into your ecosystem, and remind them that the launch is coming up through both ads and email.

  • [18:08] Launch week part two is actually doing the webinar or challenge. 

  • [18:33] You have superpowers that only you can leverage during your launch including energy, getting scrappy, and grit. 

  • [21:11] No matter what happens preserve and do not quit. 

  • [21:26] You deliver, you show up and you sell your stuff and that is launch week part two or week eleven.

  • [21:40] Week twelve is the evaluation and debrief. Within a week do a full analysis of your launch. 

  • [24:41] The Launch It program is a new training where you are just 90 days from your profitable digital course launch without needing a massive list, audience, or marketing expertise. Check it out here!

Links Mentioned on the Show From Zach:


HSH 141: What Does iOS 14 Mean For You & Your Facebook Ads


HSH 139: 4 Keys to Your Best Launch Yet