HSH 139: 4 Keys to Your Best Launch Yet

In this episode, I am talking about the keys to having your best launch yet. I really want your next launch to be your best launch yet.  A lot of times we set expectations on whether the launch is a success or not based on purely the bottom line revenue.  There is a lot more that goes into a launch. 

We are going to talk about the four keys to having your best launch yet.  It is important that we set the stage by saying generally your first launch does not retire you.  Your first launch is not the time you quit your job.  You are probably still a side hustler and figuring it out.  Your launches are going to scale with time.  This episode is about YOUR first successful launch. Shed those expectations and comparisons and let’s go!   

Show Notes:

  • [02:34] We are going to talk about the four keys to having your best launch yet. 

  • [03:10] Your launches are going to scale with time.  

  • [03:51] The first key to a successful launch is for you to rehearse, prepare, and show up energetically.  One of the biggest mistakes Zach made is that he didn’t practice for his webinars. 

  • [04:50] You need to rehearse and practice the webinar, videos, and content ahead of time.   

  • [05:33] Show up with the energy to serve, support, and deliver successful content.   

  • [07:02] The second key is that you want to spend money on advertising to engage.  If you are launching for the first time, Zach recommends that you learn a little about ads and play with them a little bit in your launch to engage people in your audience before, during, and as the cart is open. 

  • [08:24] Warm audiences convert at a higher rate.  Leading up to your launch it is beneficial to run ads to your warmest audience or to your cold audience to turn them warm.  

  • [09:15] If you are in the lead generation phase, you want to run ads to everyone that registers for the webinar to stay top of mind.  The key is to take content that will prime them to be ready to buy based on what you pitch in the webinar or challenge. 

  • [10:14] You want to make sure that when the cart is open you are retargeting everyone from your launch with your paid offer. 

  • [11:27] Don’t skimp out on retargeting even if you are new to ads. You can start to learn about ads by Youtubing “How to Get Started with Facebook Ads.”

  • [12:51] The next key is more like a mindset shift.  When the launch starts, it is on and it is not over until the very end.  We start to create self-doubt and it changes the way we show up.  

  • [14:07] If you don’t get the results you are hoping for, you are still going to learn from that experience. Success is not a great teacher, but failure is.  No matter what happens with your launch, you learn. It’s not over until it is over. 

  • [15:51] Most people go through a quiet period in their launch especially if you are just getting started. 

  • [16:02] There is the power of connection.  In those last 24-48 hours make it possible for people to contact you directly. 

  • [16:46] There is a shift starting to happen in the online space where people want to talk with a human before they make a decision.  Not everybody can buy without feeling like they are going to be supported.  

  • [17:15] Key number three is that when it starts, it is on and it’s not over until it is over.    

  • [19:01] The scrappy principle is getting scrappy, get your hands dirty, and do stuff that other people won’t do.  Make those connections, talk to people, reach out, and start conversations. How can you do things that don’t scale and get results?

  • [20:49] If you want the present, be present.  

  • [22:01] Come join me here to create your 90 day profitable course launch plan. 

Links Mentioned on the Show From Zach:


HSH 140: The 90 Day Launch Gameplan for 2021 and Beyond


HSH 138: Planning Out a Successful Digital Course Launch