Episode #037: The Low-Ticket Ecosystem

The Low-Ticket Ecosystem

Should you be creating a low-ticket offer, and spending big bucks trying to get the sale directly from ads?

We don't think so - but we love low-ticket!

So what's the "system" you should leverage?

Tune in to find out!

Links Mentioned on the Show From Zach:

Full Transcript:

This is Not Your Average Online Marketing Podcast, episode number 37. In this episode, we're talking about the Low Ticket Revolution. So, let's get into it.

Hey, hey, hey, not so average marketer. Welcome to another episode of the podcast. I am so excited for today's episode, because we're going to talk about what I'm calling the Low Ticket Offer Ecosystem. This is something that we've been working on behind the scenes at Heart, Soul and Hustle, and Not Your Average Online Marketing Podcast for a while, and just testing various things out in our business, so that you can leverage what's worked well for us for your business.

So, I want to talk to you about the Low Ticket Offer Ecosystem and how it works, but I first want to say that the one thing I love about the Low Ticket Offer Ecosystem, or maybe the two things that I love, is number one, even though it's a low ticket ecosystem, you can actually use it to sell high and mid-level products. You can use it to actually sell a lot of different things. You can sell courses, you can sell coaching, but the crux of it is list growth and low ticket offer sales. We'll talk about what that means.

The other thing that I really love about this system is conventional wisdom right now is like, oh, create a low ticket offer, do a really good job creating it, and then drive traffic directly to your sales page to get people to buy your low ticket offer. That actually works. That's a workable strategy, but I want to talk to you a little bit today about why I don't think that's the only strategy, and why I think list growth is just as important as growing a list of customers. Even if your list is full of people who haven't paid anything yet. So, let's get into what I call the Low Ticket Offer Ecosystem.

So, the Low Ticket Offer Ecosystem has two pieces, the automation piece and the launch piece. I am a believer that your business can benefit from having both launches and automation. Now, I know that the holy grail of online marketing is like, "Oh, let's do this big, amazing automated funnel, and I'll never launch again in my life." I know that that's the dream, I know it is. But what I find is that sprinkling in automation with live promotions, does a couple of different things. One, launches are going to influx revenue faster than automation in my experience. Two, launching is a great way to get boots on the ground. When we are in any business, when we automate, we move away from our customers a little bit, and that's okay. But when we launch, we get to be right there, holding our customers hand inside either a webinar or a challenge, and we get to hear and interact with them firsthand.

I think that that's really valuable to creating successful marketing messages. So, what exactly is this whole ecosystem that I'm talking about? Well, let's just dive right into it. The first thing is that what we say for your low ticket offers is that you should start by creating a high impact freebie. We actually have a whole episode on the podcast that talks about how to create a really killer freebie, so we'll link that up in the show notes. But you start with a really killer freebie. The freebie should be built around a low ticket offer that you want to sell. So, a lot of times, I'll actually start with my idea for a low ticket offer, and then I'll create the freebie after I've developed the structure of the low ticket offer. So, what I'm doing is I'm developing a freebie that directly links to that offer.

The second step is that I want to market my freebie with Facebook lead ads. I've also done multiple episodes on lead ads, where I talk about how you should be growing your list 24/7, with a lead ad. Once I've done that, once I've created my freebie and I've got my lead ad, I put a trip wire in place for my low ticket offer. So, a trip wire is simply, as soon as somebody gives you their name and email, you make them a low ticket offer. We call that, in the online marketing space, a trip wire. Once somebody grabs or doesn't grab our trip wire, they're going to go into a follow up sequence via email. If they've bought my trip wire, I may sell them a higher ticket product or a membership or a next level product. If they go and don't buy the trip wire, then I'm going to follow up with email to get them to purchase the trip wire.

So, everyone is getting a follow up sequence that takes them through the next steps of their offer. So, the next piece is that I want to convert new leads to customers as fast as I can. Now, that doesn't mean that everyone's going to become a customer. We typically see a two to 4% conversion on our email list to a low ticket offer that we sell in this capacity. But once you've done that, the next step is to nurture. I really want to take a moment to focus on this because a lot of people think, "Oh, I need to get the customer. I need to get the customer. I need to get the customer. How do I get the customer?" For me, one of the easiest ways to get the customer is to nurture your audience. I know it sounds simple. I know it sounds silly.

I know it's like, "Well, no. Duh, Zach. Of course I need to nurture my audience." But what I want you to understand is that nurturing your audience with weekly content, is one of the easiest ways to get new customers, because you can actually go in and support people on their journey. You can actually say, "Hey, I get that you're feeling this way." Or, "Here's content to support you." We actually did a promotion and we did some analysis, and we found that people bought our product, had been on our list anywhere from three days to three years, or two years I should say. There is so much power in nurturing your audience and educating your audience. I don't like to make judgements or say like, "Oh, that's wrong to do it this way," but I think the ideology that's like, "Oh, if we don't get them as a customer right off the bat, then they're not worth our time," it basically says somebody who's not willing to pay me is not worth my time.

I don't think that's true. I think that there's plenty of people who have been on my list for a long time that never buy anything, and then they refer a friend. They tell someone about me, they buy something years down the road, they share my posts on Facebook. They like my stuff on Instagram and boost my organic reach. So, don't underestimate the power of nurturing people, even if they don't buy your product right from the jump. I really just want to highlight that for a second because I know I'm saying it, but I really wanted to sink in, that everybody on my list has a value to me. I don't just mean that in the, they'll advance my business for me, but they're people too. Don't get me wrong. I get that business is a numbers game. I get that launching and automation, it's a numbers game. You have to drive traffic. You have to get the conversion rate. You have to analyze the statistics, but you also have to remember that there's people on the other side who have questions, comments, concerns.

So, just to run through that again. I create a freebie. I advertise the freebie, I trip wire an offer. I do email follow up. I convert as many people as I can, and then I nurture everyone, regardless of where they're at in the process. Now, I do this consistently. I'm doing that 24/7 because I've got the Facebook ads running in the background that are always growing the email list. Then periodically I have the second element of the low ticket ecosystem, which is the launching flow. The launching flow is quite simply, I craft a message for a launch. I execute the launch, and I generate customers.

Now, we've launched a number of different things, and I'm going to give you some really specific examples here, but what we do is we basically take either our membership or a mid-level product, and we offer it for sale to people who have been on our list for a while, but haven't bought anything yet. Because here is our philosophy with low ticket offers. We want to create low ticket offers that serve our audience, grow without needing high touch or high ticket support, and then launch those additional offers that may have higher ticket support, as you wish. That can be low, mid and high ticket products. I don't have any issue with high ticket products, but we love low ticket because it creates access to our community, and it allows us to nurture and educate, like I said, so that people can advance into the next step. So, I want to give you a really specific example of how this plays out.

We just recorded a podcast. You can check it out. It's episode number 36, and it talked about how we took a $37 webinar and turned it into a $10,000 launch. What we did was we talked about the membership. So, for those of you who don't know, we have a membership, Not Your Average membership, and we talked about that on the podcast before, and we talked about it to our audience and said, "Hey. We've built this really profitable membership, and I want to share with you how I've done it, how I've built this membership up to a five figure recurring revenue every month." So, the first thing I did, like I talked about, was I developed a freebie called Start and Grow Your Membership Site. It's the five step process that I used to generate 300 plus customers in our membership.

Once I did that, I advertised the freebie. So, we ended up averaging around 2.50 to $3 a lead, and we ran an ad for the freebie, and we ended up bringing in 1,400 leads, right around 2.50 to $3, just depending on the targeting. What we did was, as soon as people put their name and email in for the freebie, we said, "Hey. Love that you grabbed the freebie. We're also hosting a live workshop. For $37 you can come learn how to create your profitable membership plan." It was a $37 masterclass. So, what ended up happening was a percentage of people grabbed our profitable membership plan workshop on the back of the freebie. We actually had about 40 people from the 1,400 that opted in, grab that workbook, which means we converted right around... Or I'm sorry, grabbed the workshop, which means we converted right around 2.8%.

We then followed up via email to everyone who opted in. So, we said, "Hey, I noticed that you opted in for the membership workbook. We've got a workshop coming up," and we just sent them one confirmation email and then three follow up emails about the workshop. What ended up happening was that we were selling spots to the workshop every single day, from the time that we started those ads. So, we followed that exact process. We created the freebie, we advertised the freebie. We made an offer. We did the email, and then we were selling. Now, this one, we actually integrated directly into the launch sequence. So, what we did was we had that core messaging that we crafted, which is, we talked about how to map out a membership offer, how to create a pre-launch plan, how to find your first members, how to leverage and sell your memberships, the content planning system, and how to get members to share your offer and build out an affiliate program.

So, we messaged that live workshop. Then on the workshop we launched what I call the Membership Template Pack. The Membership Template Pack is quite simply a $250, at the time of launch we increased the price to 300, but it was a $250 offer that was like, "Let me give you all the templates you need to launch your membership site." That included things like sales emails, social media copy, Facebook ads copy, Facebook ads creative, social media creative. We just gave people all these resources to be able to launch their membership site profitably. Here's the kicker. We converted 16.24% of people who signed up for the paid workshop into the Membership Template Pack. Which means we generated about $7,000 in workshop sales, about $7,400 in template sales. After our ad spend, we generated $10,441 in profits. Now, what I want you to understand is that when we analyzed how many people opted in for the workbook, and how many people went on to buy from the workbook, the membership pack, we ended up doubling our ad spend.

We ended up making about $8,000. The total revenue on the launch was 14,000, so we had another 6,000 that happened completely organically. The reason I share that with you isn't so that you can be like, "Oh my gosh. Look. He made so much money." I share that with you because I want you to understand, there's this backend compound effect, which is, yes. The ads doubled their money, but we also made money from the list that we'd built. So, if we had only built our list with customers, we actually did a little analysis, we found that a lot of people, this was the first offer they bought from us. They'd been on the list for a period of time, and this was the first offer that jumped out to them that they bought. So, you've got to be thinking, not just, "Oh, I need to get customers on the front end," but more importantly, "I need to get leads on the front end, because these people may buy the next time I introduce a low ticket offer." That's something really, really cool to consider.

It's something really valuable to consider. So, just to give you one more example. We do this with our membership as well, and so with our membership what we do is we have a freebie on freebies. We have a freebie that talks about freebies, because it directly links to our membership. We've advertised that, we've generated over 6,000 leads from promoting the freebie on freebies. Then as soon as people join the freebie, we make the offer for Not Your Average membership, which is our $49 a month membership offer. Then we follow up via email with a simple nurture sequence. We deliver their freebie, and then we follow up with a series of emails that nurtures them. What ends up happening is that several times a week, somebody just buys our membership. We've had people buy annual, we've had people buy monthly, but they buy the membership without us having to do a live launch.

That means that when we're losing members, which is a natural part of the membership game, we're also gaining members. Which means that we offset our membership churn. Then what we do is we nurture people just like you, who are listening via the podcast. So, we send out podcast content that nurtures our audience and gets them excited about continuing to connect with us. Then in the launch sequence, we do challenges or webinars. So, in January, 2022, we had been running these freebie ads for three months, and we did a launch and we ended up bringing in just over 120 new members into the membership. We had 17 people go annual, 106 people go monthly, and we converted 7.9% of people in the free challenge launch into the paid membership. So, we ended up doing really well on that launch. We profited, we generated revenue.

We spent money on ads and we still got really good results. So, I want you to understand that this doesn't... The first example was all happening at the same time, freebie to launch, freebie to launch. Or freebie to low ticket to launch, or freebie to low ticket to launch. This one, we just did freebie to automation, and we did that for several months and then we did the launch. So, these can work in tandem in real time, or it can be a long term building strategy, combined with a short term launch strategy. When you use these two pieces together, some really magical things happen. Now, I want to talk about one other thing that's really important to me. I just want to be clear about this. I'm not saying that you have to have a low ticket product. But for some of us, the goal is really to impact more people.

If we want to impact more people, we can't say, "Oh, the only way to work with me is a $2,000 course." There's nothing wrong with that, there's nothing wrong with $2,000 courses, we have a $2,000 a quarter coaching program. So, I'm not anti high ticket. But I'm pro accessibility in your business, because some people need to join you for free and see what you're like before they're ready to invest. Some people need to invest a little and see what your education is like, before they want to invest more. See, having only high ticket offers really says to people, unless you have lots of money, you are not for me. I get that that can be an appealing thing, so to speak, because it's like, well then I only attract really high ticket people, right? But it precludes and excludes a big segment of people.

The reality is, things are changing economically, not everyone's ready or able to invest big ticket in a high ticket course. So, I just want to share with you that the Low Ticket Offer Ecosystem isn't about selling low ticket offers. It's about creating accessibility and options for your audience, and to sending people into what is the best fit for them financially, and from a business or life standpoint. Now, if you're listening to this and you're going, "This sounds great, Zach. But how do I actually launch a Low Ticket Offer Ecosystem?" Well, this is actually something that we cover inside of Not Your Average membership, and you can check out Not Your Average membership over at join.notyouraveragemembership.com. Again, it's join.notyouraveragemembership.com, and we'll link it up in the show notes as well.

But every month we drop an action plan that teaches you how to take a quick action to generate more leads or sales in your business. We do a monthly training call, where I train on a topic for the month. We have a monthly implementation challenge, where I drip content every day for five days, so you can take micro actions to complete the action plan for the month. Then we have an open coaching call every month. But what I really want to draw your attention to is your first month. So, in the first month we actually teach you how to create those Facebook ads to grow that freebie audience. In the second month, we teach you how to write an email sequence that sells to all of those new people. So, once you've got the freebie and the ads running, now you can set it up so that new leads get promoted too. Then in the third month, we help you develop your front end low ticket offer.

So, you can actually work through it faster than three months. Everything is available to you when you join. There's no dripped out content, it's all waiting on join. But these are the first few months, is setting up this Low Ticket Offer Ecosystem. Of course, we have a private community that we host off Facebook, so it's got a forum and content and you can log in at any time. It's also got an iPhone app. We've got some cool bonuses in there. I won't bog you down with all of that information on the podcast, because you can always check it out at join.notyouraveragemembership.com. I just wanted to tell you one other piece about this, is that we have a 30 day refund and guarantee. So, traditionally with a membership, people say, "It's no risk, because you can cancel at any time."

We're like, "Yeah, but you're still risking that first month or that first year of payment." So, in the first 30 days, if you decide the program's not right for you, you let us know. We'll refund you in full and we'll let you leave the membership. No questions asked. We have a two click cancellation process. You click a button that says, I want to cancel, you enter your email and you click confirm and we take care of it for you. So, we want this to be a membership that really supports you in creating your low ticket ecosystem. So, I hope you got lots of value from this episode.

If you want to get the full show notes, transcripts, links to anything we talked about, you can head over to heartsoulhustle.com/NYAP037. Again, that's heartsoulhustle.com/NYAP037. We'll have the show notes, the links, the transcript, everything waiting for you. I hope you got mad value from this episode and it really gets you thinking about putting a low ticket ecosystem in place in your business, because it has done wonders for us. I think it'll do wonders for you too. I hope you have an incredible week and we will see you slash talk to you next time, on the Not Your Average Online Marketing Podcast.


Episode #038: Creating a Full Time Low Ticket Product Biz With Hallie Sherman


Episode #036: Turning a $37 Workshop into a $10k Profit Launch