HSH 082: 5 Facebook Ad Campaigns You NEED In Every Launch

HSH 082 5 Facebook Ad Campaigns You NEED In Every Launch - Show Notes  

If you’ve been following me for any amount of time, you’ll know that one of my true loves in life is Facebook ads! This episode isn’t just about how to make more money with them, but it’s about how to curate an experience for potential customers that gets them really excited to buy what you’re selling. Today I’m going to give you the 5 Facebook ad campaigns to use every single time you’re actively selling something – whether it’s an online course, coaching program or physical product!  

1. Lead generation ads  

Any time you’re launching, you want to first gear up by generating a lot of leads. You’ll be using ads for conversions and run them to a sign-up page. This can be done many different ways, including with quizzes, “hot seat” webinars or by giving away free PDFs. The key here is that the ad is designed to capture names and emails (and potentially more information, if needed) to create a list of people that are interested in your product. Building this list is vital!  

2. Engagement re-targeting ads 

During your launch you’ll be releasing consistent content, but let’s not just hope that your audience sees it. Let’s pay to make sure it gets in front of them! One way to do this, like James Wedmore recently did during a launch, is to run an ad to people who signed up for a 3-part video series (but didn’t watch one of the videos) and invite them to come back and watch it.  

3. Sales re-targeting ads 

If you’ve ever checked out something on Amazon and never bought it, you’ve probably noticed ads on your Facebook newsfeed of that product. You want to do the same for your own product and services, and you are able to set things up so people who visited the sales page, but didn’t buy, will see your ad. You do this by installing the Facebook pixel on your whole website, which isn’t difficult to do, and then create a custom audience in Facebook with the ads manager.  

4. Facebook Live ads  

In my opinion, live video is the best way to build the know-like-trust factor very fast. Host a Facebook Live where you simply answer questions about your product. The goal should be to take 15-25 minutes (or longer if many people show up) and answer the most common questions and objections that you get about your program.  

5. Thank you ads 

I learned this strategy from Maxwell Finn, but full disclaimer, I haven’t tried it (yet)! After someone buys your product, you can create a customer audience of people who visited the order confirmation page, which means they have purchased your product. Max recommends running a 60-90 second ad where you don’t have to sell anything, but it’s just a way to say “Thanks.” When was the last time you saw someone, especially in the B2B space, do this (but stop there and not try to sell you something else)?  

So get out there and run some ads! I cannot wait to see you crushing your next launch with these tips I talk about today!  


HSH Monthly Marketing Playbook

Mentioned: http://www.maxwellfinn.com/ 


The 72 Hour Membership Launch Plan: 3 Emails, $120 In Ads, 150 New Members


HSH 081: 4 Messenger Bot Strategies to Increase Engagement, Leads and Sales