HSH 007: How to Create a Million Dollar Vision with Angie Green


In the last few years, Angie Green has generated over $1 million in revenues and commissions from her direct marketing business. In this episode, she talks about how you can build a community of people around you who share your vision, and how important motivating others is to your success!

Angie has always been passionate about fitness and wanted to pursue it as a career, but didn’t think she’d be able to make a living at it. She took the “easy way out” and went to college, studying speech therapy. 

After getting married and having a baby, she had 15 lbs. to lose and discovered a fitness program that changed the shape of her body. She also changed her mindset, and in the process, the weight came off.

“(Losing the weight) gave me the opportunity to really start believing in myself, that I didn’t have to settle” 

This transformation led to an amazing business opportunity, Beachbody, and the opportunity to live by her own design, be happy and to pay it forward. 

“I just felt like I was made for something greater” 

When she started Beachbody, Angie was going through a very tough time in her life, experiencing a divorce and her son’s ongoing health issues). 

She says she naturally built a team made up of people that had the same passion and drive that she had, which lead to fast growth in the first few years. At the time, she says she didn’t know what she was doing and the company had no systems or training in place. 

“All I know is I had an end goal” 

Angie is able to motivate her team by helping them develop the belief in themselves, through conversation and connecting with them, as well as sharing personal development material with each other. 


When a new member joins her team, she tries to figure out the person’s “why” (why do they want to be in the business and why they want to have success). 

“I remind them of their reasons during the journey, so they stay motivated” 

Angie wasn’t afraid of being selective on who would join her in her business, as you have to look at your business in the long-term. 

“These people that I’m team members with are my family. We talk everyday.” 

Angie says she is “old fashioned and traditional” in that she built her business for the first four or 5 years without an email list. 

“What my head told me to do was connect with as many people personally as I could” 

To do this, she transferred her time watching TV to time spent in Facebook groups connecting with people, which lead to rapport and relationship building. 

“In the long-run, it’s really helped me make some lasting relationships” 

She likes working with people who are willing to help themselves, improve their health and fitness, and increase their income.  

On social media, she likes connecting with people who share common interests and thinks of Facebook groups as “cocktail parties” where you don’t know anybody at first. She puts herself out there, and hopes her personality will come out in her posts. 

“I really just focus on being as authentic as possible” 

The one thing she says people can do right now to start attracting their tribe is to recognize what your passion is, and write down your goals. 

“You have to love what you want to do so, so much” 

To Angie, “hustle” means working at it every single day whether your want to or not at that time.

“You have to be consistent. Do whatever it takes to reach your goals.” 



@AngieGreen11 (social media platforms)


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