HSH 002: Creating the Mindset of a Multi-Six-Figure Coach with Erika Sheffer

Erika Sheffer is a multi 6-figure coach who just generated over $100,000 with the launch of her group-coaching program. She believes strongly in the importance of boundaries in business, as well as how having the proper mindset will help contribute to your success!

Erika has been an entrepreneur for about 6 years, coming from the fashion world, doing branding and public relations for a number of popular companies. She saw how the corporations she worked for were getting in front of customers and making a lot of money. Erika realized she was doing a lot of this work for them. 

“I enjoyed it, to a point, but I realized I wanted to take my skillset and start my own business” 

She started fashion blogging in 2009 and began learning about affiliate linking and making money online.

“My mind was blown; I couldn’t believe the opportunity” 

She started an events company with a few other workers in the fashion industry, as she wanted to choose who she would work with and not be told what to do. The big draw of entrepreneurship for Erika was to be able to enjoy what she was doing. 

Erika discovered coaching at a time where she says she was “pretty burnt out.” She went to school to become a health coach, and grew a strong following in a short amount of time. 

“I had this business strategy and branding strategy that just came naturally to me.” 

A lot of people were asking how she grew her following so quickly, and she realized she enjoyed strategizing and helping people make money. 

“It’s pretty cool to see how you can take your experiences and put them into your business. Passion-based business is totally possible.” 

When Erika started coaching, she knew she had to have boundaries and be efficient. She says she knew she needed to have balance in her life, and that so many people struggle with this because they think that hard work equals lots of money. 

She recommends that entrepreneurs look at what they want to earn, and “reverse engineer” by working backwards to calculate the number of clients they need to achieve this revenue. She also recommends outsourcing, when possible. 

A key part of Erika’s approach to business is looking at her action steps, and recognizing which ones are going to actually be revenue producing. 

“There’s a better way to do it. It doesn’t have to be that overwhelming.” 

To get her clients charging more for their services, she tells them to “start where you’re at” and assess their own “financial frequency.” 

“If you truly believe that no one’s going to buy it, no one will”

She feels strongly that entrepreneurs need to work on their mindset and do the work they need to do to be an amazing coach.  Also, they need to do as much work as they can and study so that they can “jam pack” their own courses.

Erika has a $15,000 course, as well as her “Gamechanger’s Academy”, which is a 6-month group program and costs $5,000.  She’s now trying to diversify so people have different options when they go to her. 

Her advice is not to compare yourself to others, and you’ll get to where you want to go. 

“Head down; do your work” 

She credits skillset and experience for giving her the confidence to charge what she does, as well as the results achieved by her clients. As well, for the past 18 months, she’s worked “furiously” on her mindset by meditating, reading and becoming aware of her own wealth consciousness. 

“I’m worth it. I’ve been doing this work for a long time. I’ve worked my butt off; there’s no reason that someone shouldn’t pay me that much money.” 

However, she says that building that level of confidence didn’t happen overnight. 

Erika feels that people she get a coach or mentor. She spent a lot of time “spinning her wheels” and not feeling good about herself. At one point, she didn’t believe in herself or that anyone would pay her. 

“You’ve got to get someone who’s been there before you and has mastered the things you want to master. You can get the shortcuts.”

By hiring a coach herself, she showed her clients she was investing in her own development, as well as sending the universe a message that she was ready for all the things that were coming to her. 

Erika’s only regret as an entrepreneur is not getting support sooner. 

She prefers to use the term “smart hustle” over “hustle.” 

“Get your booty in gear, doing the things that are actually going to make you progress in your business. It’s all about action taking for me.”



www.ErikaSheffer.com (for information on her upcoming personal branding course, as well as her branding e-book, the “Stand Out Brand Guide”)

Stand Out Brand Guide


HSH 003: The Art of Failing to Success with Rachel Luna


HSH 001: Sales Call Strategies that Close $250k a Year with Aandra Bohlen