Episode #000: What Is A Not So Average Marketer?

Not Your Average Online Marketing Podcast

Episode #000: What Is A Not So Average Marketer?

Today’s Episode: 

Welcome to the Not Your Average Online Marketing Podcast! In this first episode, we are going to talk about why we changed the show, the thought process behind it, and really what is a not-so-average marketer. This show was formerly called the Heart, Soul, and Hustle podcast.

Show Notes:

  • [01:02] This show was formerly called the Heart, Soul, and Hustle podcast. We decided to rebrand because we have been in business for over six years now and our views on the word hustle have really changed. 

  • [01:16] We did a poll inside of our customer-only Facebook group and no one actually voted that they still like to use or interact with the word hustle.  

  • [01:51] We are going to be releasing weekly episodes of the show. 

  • [02:18] The goal with this podcast is to give you stuff that you can actually implement to get results even if you are not in one of my paid courses. 

  • [02:24] We are going to be talking about ethical and strategic marketing. We are going to move away from push marketing and into pull marketing. 

  • [03:13] It is really important now more than ever that we stop looking at everything we do as solely a numbers game. 

  • [03:31] Numbers are important, but it is really important that we think about the people that are interacting with our brand as people. 

  • [04:20] Each episode focuses on one specific thing that you can lean into to actually start to generate more results. 

  • [04:46] The biggest thing with this podcast is that we don’t want to withhold. Our goal with this podcast is to make you feel like you are getting premium information even if you are not an invested customer. 

  • [05:44] We want you to be ready and know when it’s time to work together at a deeper level. Sometimes you need a coach, additional support, or additional process and that is where some of the offers come in. 

  • [06:54] Our goal is to break away from that monotony of high-level talk and get into the weeds of what is working now. 

  • [07:07] The Not So Average Marketer gives freely knowing that those that receive openly may take the next steps. 

  • [07:45] We are going to have solo and guest episodes. 

  • [07:54] As the show is relaunching, we would really appreciate reviews, tags on social media, and share of some of our quotes on Instagram. 

Links Mentioned on the Show From Zach:

Full Transcript:

Hello and welcome. This is Not Your Average Online Marketing podcast.

Hello, hello, hello. Welcome to the Not Your Average Online Marketing podcast, with your host, that's me, Zach Spuckler. Now, I want to welcome you to the show. If you are not new here, then you may be wondering what happened to the Heart, Soul & Hustle podcast. Why did you rename it? Why did you rebrand it? So in this first episode, episode zero of the Not Your Average Online Marketing podcast, we're going to talk about why we changed the show, the thought process behind it, and really what is a not-so-average marketer. What does that even mean?

So, first and foremost, welcome to the new show. For those of you who don't know me, my name is Zach Spuckler. I run an online digital course and agency where we help people with Facebook ads, launches, digital marketing to make more sales of their online courses.

Now, this show was formerly called the Heart, Soul & Hustle podcast, and we decided to rebrand because I've actually been in business for over six years now, and my views on the word hustle have really, really changed. We actually did a poll inside of our customer-only Facebook group, and we found that no one actually voted that they still like to use or interact with the word hustle. We had dozens of people vote, and most people said, "I don't like it anymore." You know, it's associated with that grinding, right? That working away, working long hours, doing whatever it takes to get to the next level.

And so we decided to rebrand the podcast, and a little bit about what to expect. We are going to be releasing weekly episodes of the show. I know it's been quite a while since we released weekly episodes, but we're actually ahead of recording schedule, and we'll be dropping a new episode every single week. We're also going to give you actionable tips, and for me, this is a big one. You know, you listen to different podcasts or different blogs, and they give you the really high-level overview, but they don't actually give you what to do in your business. So my goal with this podcast is to give you stuff you can actually implement to get results, even if you're not in one of my paid courses.

We're also going to talk about ethical and strategic marketing. So how do we market strategically without falling into this path of fake urgency or fake scarcity or hyping up things when they don't really deserve the hype, right? And of course, you can expect us to move away from what I call push marketing, which is where you try to push yourself onto other people, and pull marketing is what we're going to bring into the fold. So how to actually attract people to you. Okay?

So this kind of leads us into the question of, why did you come up with the Not Your Average Online Marketing podcast? Well, here's the thing. Right now, most podcasts are simply about growing the list, selling the course, to get the money, to move you up the value ladder, where listeners equal dollars, not listeners equal people. I think it's really important, now more than ever, that we stop just looking at everything we do as solely a numbers game.

Now, I will tell you I'm a very numbers-oriented person. We track our metrics. We have quarterly planning meetings where we look at our revenue over the year, and I think numbers are important. But I also think it's really important that we think about the people who are interacting with our brand as people. You know, it's easy to get caught up in this, "I want to hit a hundred members," or "I want to hit a thousand course sales," but what about the people behind that, right? Are we getting them results? Are we communicating with them? Are we helping them? Are we serving first, right? This podcast will absolutely, no bones about it, hopefully attract more sales, customers, and engagement with our business, but here's where we want to be different. We want to be actionable like we talked about. We want to be tangible. And what I mean by tangible is not just giving you ideas that we think work, but giving you actual ideas that you can touch, feel. What emails to send, how to market yourself, what kind of ads to run.

We're also going to be talking about focused information, so each episode kind of focuses on one specific thing that you can lean into and to actually start to generate more results. We also want this to be a goal-oriented podcast, and what I mean by that is that each episode has a goal, right? So for example, one of the upcoming episodes is going to be how to craft a 90-day plan for your business. By the end of that, you'll have all the tools you need to craft your own 90-day plan. And the biggest thing for us is that we don't want to withhold, so we're going to talk about this in an upcoming episode. When do you offer something free? When do you charge for it? But our goal with this podcast is to make you feel like you are getting premium information even if you're not an invested customer.

Now, why would we do that? Well, my goal is that you get a few things as a listener. You actually can implement and get results so that we build a mutual relationship of trust and authority. I also want you to be able to learn from me before you buy. You know, a lot of times we listen to podcasts or we interact with a webinar and then we're made an offer for a high-ticket program, and it's like, but do we really know the person behind the scenes? And I want you to be able to get to learn from me and implement my information before you have to invest. And if you love one episode and you want to invest with us, great, but if you need 10 or 15 episodes to really get to know me and trust me and learn from me, that's cool too.

And finally, I want you to be ready and know when it's time to work together at a deeper level. So yes, we're going to give you high-level premium information. Yes, we're going to give you low-level, in-the-weeds information. But I want you to know that sometimes you need a coach or you need additional support or you need a process, and that's where some of the offers that we'll share with you in the podcast come in, because the reality is, we're still a business. We still want to generate revenue, but we want to do it in a way that feels good to our audience and feels good to us.

Now, a couple of other things that I want to bring up about this podcast is that, when we have looked around the internet, what we found is that a lot of podcasts are like, you get the behind the scenes numbers when you join our podcast or our membership or our course, right? They say, "When you buy from us, then you get the load on what's working now." What we want to do is different. We want to say, "Let's share what's working, what has worked, what could work for listeners without that shroud of mystery." Now, does that mean that we'll have guests on the show? Absolutely. Does it mean we'll have solo episodes? Absolutely. Our goal is to break away from that monotony of high-level talk and get into the weeds of what's working now. So you can expect there to be podcast experiments, growth strategies. Yes, there will be invites to my stuff, but the bottom line is that the not-so-average marketer gives freely, knowing that those that receive openly may take the next steps, share the podcast, become raving fans, or even become customers.

Okay, so let me just quickly run through what you can expect from this show one more time. Weekly episodes. Ethical marketing. Actionable tips. Pull, not push, marketing. Tangible results. Focused information. Goal-oriented episodes where you can actually go out, implement and get results, learn from us before you join us in our paid programs, and know when it's time to continue with us. We're going to have solo episodes, guests, experiments, training, and I'm so excited to share it with you.

Now, as the show's relaunching, we would really appreciate reviews, tags on social, shares of some of our quotes on Instagram, so if you haven't already, please take a moment to leave a review on the show once you listen to a couple more episodes. If you're listening to this episode now, we already have the first two formal episodes of the show available to listen to. So listen to those episodes. Leave us a review. All you have to do is open the podcast app on your iPhone or the Stitcher app on your Android. Leave us a review. We super appreciate it. And we've got some fun stuff coming your way, so I cannot wait to help you become a not-so-average online marketer. Let's do this.


Episode #001: How to Create a 90-Day Plan


How To Plan, Launch, And Sell Your Digital Course in 60 Days or Less