Grab My 5 Years and $1.4 Million dollars of launch experience to Breakthrough The Launch Ceiling so you too can Experience Your Biggest Results Yet

If you've hit "max capacity" on your launches - it's because you're making a big mistake....
And it's not your fault - the reality is that you've been sold a bill of goods that doesn't add up
There’s a massive problem when it comes to the “launch industry” - I’m about to break it down for ya…

PROBLEM #1: They Keep Saying 
"It’s All About The The Right Strategy”

See you’ve been told that the secret is “the fancy webinar”, or the “epic challenge sequence”, or the “live video series” - or even better that if you make a hybrid of two or more then that will solve all your problems.

Let me stop and ask you - can you name someone that’s done good with Webinars? Challenges? Video Series?

Hint: The answer is yes...someone is crushing it with every possible strategy there is.

The Strategy Ain’t The Secret, The Secret Is The DATA.  

What do I mean? 

People who do successful webinars… they know their numbers! They know how many will show up, how many will buy, how many will take action (and how many won’t).

People who run successful challenges… They know their numbers too! They know how many will join their Facebook Group, they know how many will join their Facebook Lives and they know how many are interested in the program they're selling.

And not only do they know their data, but they know how to read the story the data tells...

The Secret To A Successful Launch 
Is Reading And Interpreting DATA.

PROBLEM #2 - You’ve Been Told that a Single Course Or System Can Solve Your All Your Problems

Look, I get it - this is a sales page - I should be trying to convince you that you've found the magic bullet.

But the truth is, there isn’t a single system, product, or buy now button that will change your fate forever - there ARE systems, strategies and ideas that can enhance your results.

There’s a difference between promises and projections.

So many people want to promise that their system works but we already know (see problem number 1) that without DATA they actually don’t know anything.

They don’t KNOW anything about your business.

They don’t KNOW anything about your audience.

They don’t KNOW anything about your offer.

But they’re happy to sell you the promise anyways… #WaitWhat

What if instead of promising something based on knowing nothing about you, we stepped back and calculated what’s actually possible based on your goals, your budget, and your hustle.

And look - I get it… a promise is like a giant bag of cookies. It’s there, it’s delicious, you can devour it... but tomorrow the scale, you’ll regret it.

Where projections are like that kale salad (ugh more kale? - yes more kale). 

It may not draw you in over the cookies, but it’s going to give you the better results tomorrow.

So are you #TeamKale or #TeamCookies

You’re Rushing the Sales Cycle

If you think that you’re going to hit your goals by throwing ads up 10 days before the webinar starts, then you may as well invest in gold (the return is gonna be better anyways).

See we WANT the quick win. We’ve been SOLD the quick win. Heck even in marketing 101 they teach you GIVE THE CLIENT A QUICK WIN.

Sounds Like The Real Winner Is The Seller.

So instead of going after the quick win for yourself, ask how you can play the long game. 

 How can you nurture your email list, how can you grow your waitlist for your program, how can you provide value in between launches?
Unlike other programs that promise you
$X in X Days...

I propose that creating a data driven plan based on your strengths, your past experience, and your future goals is better.

Imagine... not having to spend thousands on another mastermind to figure out “what’s wrong with me”...

Imagine... jumpstarting your next launch with a clear budget, projections, and plans - instead of a hope, a prayer, and a set amount of cash….

Imagine... already knowing what’s going to happen in your launch, before it happens - and getting more confident every time you launch because numbers don’t lie.

Hey There,
So Who The Heck Is This Guy Telling Me The Problems In This Digital World?
My name is Zach Spuckler, and over the past 5-years I’ve spent over $450,000 in personal and client ads and I’ve managed launches ranging from $3,000 to $300,000 and I’ve found some clear patterns. Patterns that I’ve used both personally and in my consulting to create results…

Results like a Six-Figure info-product Launch for myself (Just over $173,000 to be exact) and Multiple Six-Figure Launches we’ve managed for a clients.

I’ve been featured on top podcasts because of my launches like EO Fire, The Online Marketing Made Easy Podcast, The Mind Your Business Podcast, and The Art of Paid Traffic Podcast.

In short after making over $1.4 Million Dollars from a launch based business - I’ve been in the trenches in the front and the back of multiple business and I’ve seen what works.

So I Created...
The Launch Ceiling Shattering Masterpack
The Complete Data Driven Approach For Shattering Your Launch “Ceiling” And Having Your Biggest Launch Ever

Meticulously Designed For the Burned Out Course Creator, Digital Product Maker, Or Online Program Facilitator that’s Ready to Uplevel Their Launches…

So What EXACTLY is A Launch Masterpack?

/ˈmastər-pak / 
defined as a complete set of tools, training, and templates designed to take the experienced marketer to the next level.
The Launch Expectation Shattering Masterclass & Workbook
The Masterclass and workbook are the 1-2 punch combo that’s going to force you to evaluate your past launches through a series of very specific exercises and activities that will uncover why you’ve hit the launch ceiling.

By time you complete the expectation shattering masterclass you’re going to know exactly what has hitting the “wall” with your launches - and if you’re just looking to scale to the next level you’ll know what to amplify, what to stop doing, and where the “20%” of activities that move you forward are.

Data don’t lie - that’s the facts. Let me ask you this… can you name the CPL of your last launch campaign? Do you know the EPL of your previous launch? Can you name your overall conversion rate on webinar attendees? And even if you can, do you know what it means?

The launch prep and execution spreadsheet forces you to analyze and prep for your launch with data-driven precision - no more guesswork, no more hoping, no more “SMART” goals, cause let’s face it you set the goals but you didn’t hit em - and that’s why you're here.

Side Note: If these goals are so “smart” why don’t they just write themselves…. just sayin’.

Runway the Fun Way
Did you know that 50% of your results are based on what you do BEFORE the cart opens? #DontLookThatUp

But seriously - what you do in between your launches MATTERS. Whether you have a podcast, a blog, or just a budding email list - you need to nurture your audience before you start to sell. We call this time before you “take off and fly” to new heights with your launch… “The Runway”.

In Runway the Fun Way I’ll give you a variety of strategies to help you gear up and bring your leads from ice cold, to piping hot (without spending hours creating content).

Simplified Advertising & Scaling 
The mass majority of online marketers get stuck when it comes time to spend more money on Facebook ads in their next launch - they hit a ceiling of spending.

In this short - but powerful - masterclass we break down how the big dogs spend more money on their launches… none of this “how to spend $10/day” stuff - oh no! This is the hard hitting how to spend $5,000+ when it comes time to get those sweet sweet leads.

Ya dig?

I’ve worked with thousands of students and dozens of 1:1 clients and I can honestly say that they all experience what I’ve so fondly learned is called “launch free fall”. Free fall is that time between “oh crap now one is buying” and “heck yes the cart is closing and mama’s gettin’ paid”.

It’s that unspeakable time where you just want someone, anyone, who gets it to be the soothing voice of reason in your ear - and unfortunately gramma Ruth just keeps asking “so what do you do for a living” - so she’s out.

That’s what I created launch lifelines - a set of audio messages you can download to listen to for every worst case scenario from the voice of reason. No sales on cart open? We got you! Ish hitting the fan? You're covered. It’s like cheap therapy (My lawyer insists that I insert that I am in fact not a therapist here)

Say What?!
Here's what our clients say...
Amika Ryan, 
Shepherd Like a Girl & DIY Sheep Crafts
In 6 months working with Zach, I launched my signature course for the second and third time, launched a monthly membership, did my first free and paid webinar and ran my first FB/IG ads.

I was able to successfully scale my first to second course launch from $5k to $9k. And on the third launch of my signature course, I achieved my very first 5-figure launch — $15k (final $ still TBD).

My brand new monthly subscription craft box membership brings in a consistent $2k monthly revenue, which is a huge relief (to have that money coming in predictably every month).

And I now confidently run my own FB and IG ads knowing exactly what I’m doing.

Zach taught me how to analyze the numbers in the business that matter so that I can scale my business strategically. I’m not shooting in the dark, and that’s a great feeling — being in control of my growth and revenue.
If you made it this far and you’re still white-knuckling your wallet - maybe these juicy bonuses will change the game…

Bonus #1 
The Waitlist Sales Funnel
So you’ve been told the money is in your list? Well I got news - the gurus sit on a throne of lies. #ElfReferenceAnyone?

The truth is that your list is POTENTIAL money, money you COULD earn, prospects that COULD buy - but only if you tell them where to go. So if you're building your list in prep for your next big launch - why not tell those people that something epic is coming!

The waitlist sales funnel helps you turn NEW subscribers into hot prospects for your offer by telling them you have something for SALE and letting them sign up for more information.

Yes my friend - your next course is gonna be bigger than the Met Gala (and yes, I’ll be showing up in full Billy Porter level camp)

Bonus #2 
The Little Black Book
13 That’s my number…. 

Number of successful ads I’m going to share with you!

Over the past 5 years I’ve spent over $400,000 in advertising for both myself and my clients - and I can honestly tell you that the best ads don’t have a… GASP…. Formula!

That’s right - there’s not a clear formula for writing ads that convert - but there is a secret to making things work, and that’s STUDYING things that work.

Success leaves clues - and that’s especially true of Facebook Ads - so I’m pulling out my 13 top performing Facebook Ads for you to have a look at to inspire your creativity and get the juices flowing.

The Launch Shattering Masterclass & Workbook……...............(Value $97)

The Perfect Launch Prep & Execution Spreadsheet…….........(Value $97)

Runway The Fun Way…................................................................................(Value $47)

Simplified Advertising & Scaling Strategies……...........................(Value $97)

Launch Lifelines………................…................…................…................…..........(Value $47)

Bonus #1 - The Waitlist Sales Funnel……................…...................…..(Value $97)

Bonus #2 - The Little Black Book of Ads……. …................…...........(Value $97)

Total Value = ($579)
Today's Price = $37
So Wait Is This One Of Those Fill-Out-Every-Workbook-So-I-Never-Get-A-Refund Thingys?
Oh Boo, that’s so 2019….

The guarantee - 14 days, no questions asked… Just email us and we’ll take care of you within 48 business hours. 


Let’s Face It, The Best Time to Start Prepping 
For Your Next Launch Is Last Week

The second best time, is today.

Within 2-hours of opening the Masterpack, I PERSONALLY GUARANTEE you’re going to learn something about taking your launch to the next level the next go-round.

No seriously - read about 12 lines up - I legit guarantee it.

It’s never going to be cheaper than it is today - the faster you act, the faster you can scale.

Because I'm sure you have another few questions you'd like some answers too...
How Much Time is Required to Go Through the Launch Pack…
I could go into the whole “it’s X hours of content” but homie don’t play that. (Okay but there is a couple hours of content). The truth is, it’s reference material. It’s not about how long it takes, it’s about how well you leverage it...
I don’t have all the fancy softwares, or use different software than you, will this work?
TOTALLY! We’re not teaching you what software to use, or the technical side of launch - we’re teaching you what works and what doesn’t from a strategy standpoint. If you want TECH for launching - this ain’t that.
How Do I Access the Program…

You’ll get a login to a membership portal - you know the drill!

I Already Did a Launch… Will This Still Work For Me?
In short - that’s EXACTLY who it’s going to work for - let’s do it!
I Haven’t Done a Launch Yet… Should I Still Consider?
If you think you’re going to launch in the next 90 days, this is going to set you up for success from the jump - part of the masterpack is about analyzing your past launch, but 80% is about going for the next big goal - so if you have a goal - let’s do this.
Is everything available immediately?

YES! Instant access to all the downloads, bonuses, and audios!
Is there a guarantee…
Yup - a no-questions asked 14-day refund period. 
Just send us an email and we’ll take care of it ASAP.
Here’s the truth

I’ve shown my snarky side on this page but one thing I don’t take lightly is your success. I want you to take your launch to the next level… I’ve worked with clients on their first 5-figure+ launches as a consultant, and I’ve worked with other clients on their multi-six-figure launches behind the scenes as an ads manager.  

The thing they all have in come they all invest time in EVALUATING what worked from their last launch, PLANNING their paid and organic strategy, and they EXECUTE on what they’ve learned. The good news is that I’ve packed that knowledge into this product.

So if you’re ready to take it to the next level - this is the shortcut to what works, what doesn’t, and what to do to access new levels of launching.

Hope to see you inside,

The Launch Shattering Masterclass & Workbook……...............(Value $97)

The Perfect Launch Prep & Execution Spreadsheet…….........(Value $97)

Runway The Fun Way…................................................................................(Value $47)

Simplified Advertising & Scaling Strategies……...........................(Value $97)

Launch Lifelines………................…................…................…................…..........(Value $47)

Bonus #1 - The Waitlist Sales Funnel……................…...................…..(Value $97)

Bonus #2 - The Little Black Book of Ads……. …................…...........(Value $97)

Total Value = ($579)
Today's Price = $37
Heart, Soul & Hustle, LLC (C) 2020 | Terms and Conditions & Earnings Disclaimer
closing arguments.
Summarize the great results, offer,
bonuses, and guarantee. Last reminder of scarcity.
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