HSH 036: How to Get Raving Reviews in Writing

In this episode, I share the importance of getting written reviews for your business, along with my three golden rules of testimonials. I also give you the specific questions to use when asking for testimonials, as well as why the most important thing is showing people that you care and you want to help others!  

Reviews, or testimonials, case studies, feedback or any other name they go by, are key pieces of information that can be used on sales pages, websites or webinars. 

You need to do a few things to get the students of your courses to want to give testimonials. First, you really need to care about your students and the results that they have gotten. Get to know the people in your Facebook group by first name. Of course, you need to be creating products that actually get results! If your customers are getting great results, then why would they not want to return the favor and provide an amazing testimonial? 

Three golden rules of testimonials: 

1. Be honest and direct

Testimonials, in my opinion, is the one time that exposure is relevant. Tell people that you’ll put them on the sales page, if it’s the right fit. You can also feature the person in an email to your list, or do up a case study.

I post in my group before a launch and ask for testimonials, but making sure to look for certain things (such as someone who’s made 5-figures on a launch). We have to tell people what we’re looking for by being really honest and direct, as well as being upfront about what you will do with the review.

2. Ask for the testimonial

A lot of people fall short and only ask once, before moving on. You can ask in multiple places, including emailing your list, as well as directly approaching your rockstar students. Influencers really do notice their star students, and I know who’s succeeding in my programs. 

You can make it really simple for your rockstars to give you feedback by using a form such as Typeform. Be specific and ask questions such as: Why did you join the program? What was your biggest fear? What happened after you took the program and would you recommend it to a friend, and why? Be asking these questions, you’ll learn the person’s motivation, as well as giving you insight into your marketing. You’ll also get a sense on how your product has helped transformed someone’s life, which can be used for the next golden rule. 

3. Refine and review the testimonial

You don’t have to use what someone says exactly, and by asking for permission to amend the review, within reason, you can tailor it to fit your needs.  Just make sure you are staying true to the original message, and if in doubt, run it by the reviewer to get their thoughts and approval. 

Although it hasn’t happened to me, it’s ok if someone says no to giving me a testimonial Remember that courage and fearlessness are different. As Elizabeth Gilbert says in her book, “Big Magic”, courage is simply operating in the presence of fear. Ask for that testimonial! 

You can talk about how great your products are and you can create amazing results for people, but what really help sells your offer is showing people that you help people. This is what testimonials will do for you! 


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Ashleigh Taylor Portrait


“Big Magic” by Elizabeth Gilbert



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